Sunday, July 28, 2019

Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Coursework - Essay Example ere has been an increase in demand for supplement pills in UK and what can be done by the government of UK to address the problem of vitamin deficiency. In the region of UK, both the adults and young individuals are consuming supplements. NHS reports that adults are not only consuming supplements, even children who are between six months old to five years old are even consuming supplements (NHS, 2013, p.9). One of the reasons that have motivated individuals to consume supplements and especially vitamin D supplements is that lack of vitamin D leads to various health issues such as SIDs (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Ann Robinson cites in her article that a pathologist named Irene Scheimberg has figured out that due to deficiency of vitamin D children are experiencing SIDs and according to him eight individuals who were experiencing SIDs were even experiencing vitamin D deficiency (Robinson, 2012). Health issues experienced by infants are not only why individuals in UK are consuming vitamin supplements. Vitamin supplements are even consumed to improve fertility rates. NHS states that certain theories have proven that use of antioxidants can be helpful at the time of conception. NHS cites a research conducted on over 2,800 couples and the research figured out that the probability of woman getting pregnant increased if their husbands were consuming supplements containing antioxidants (NHS, 2013, p.10). During 2012, BBC cited a research conducted by (RCPCH) which stated that due to existence of vitamin D deficiency among 25% infants of UK, cases of rickets are elevating day by day (BBC News, 2012). Due to increased importance of vitamin supplements, there is a need to make these supplements more accessible for the population of UK. The government can take various measures to curb the issue of vitamin D deficiency. The government can firstly participate and launch programs that increase the awareness of the importance of vitamin D among the population of UK.

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