Monday, October 21, 2019

race for world war 1 essays

race for world war 1 essays The Space Race grew out of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the most powerful nations after World War II. For a half-century, the two superpowers competed for primacy in a global struggle pitting a democratic society against totalitarian communism. Space was a crucial arena for this rivalry. Before a watchful world, each side sought to demonstrate its superiority through impressive feats in rocketry and spaceflight. Secret satellites kept a wary eye on the adversary. As the Space Race began, the United States and the Soviet Union were building rockets to use as long-range weapons. The United States initially favored bombers, but the Soviets preferred missiles and thus took an early lead in rocket technology. The spectacular public feats by the men and machines of two countries Racing to the Moon and Exploring the Moon thrilled the entire world with the enduring " firsts" of space exploration. At 1969, the Americans successfully landed on the moon. Ironically, the Russians shot out the first satellite to space before we made the remarkable landing on the moon. If tested on achievements, USA probably got the trophy. However, the Russians are the first to make the moves. At the end of the Cold War, the United States and Russia agreed to build a space station and pursue other joint ventures in space. A contest that began in fear and enmity has become a partnership. Created in 1949, NATO's main purpose is "Let Americans in, the Russians out, the Germans down", it's no doubt, the Soviet threat was central to NATO's creation and growth. It involved a collective identity, shared at many different levels (ideological, political, economic, and social) by its members, as well as the recognition of an opposing identity that gave meaning and direction to their efforts. As an alliance NATO is highly institutionalized, with excellent decision-making procedures and an extensive supporting bureaucracy. NATO als ...

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