Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Theory Of Science And Architecture - 2038 Words

Architecture can be related to anything such as society or science, society demands the building of their dream and science made building possible. Science and architect share a mutual goal where both intended to improve the society life style or in another word, to achieve community utopia. Science and architect is one of the main elements to promote utopia and this really make the society to believe that utopia exist. The future will be the combination of science and spirituality, and they should be together forever. In fact, only when we successfully continue to improve our level of consciousness and match the level of science and technology, human beings have a future. The future of humanity is very unpredictable, science may change the world as they see fits such as no disease, no hunger or no pain. Science can explain many problems, from the taste of the food to love, because love is the product of science! Nowadays for the environment, sea level rises every year and many count ries started land reclamation to fix the problem such as Japan or Netherland. To face these problems, the architect has made a lot of conceptual idea to accommodate future human life. Since then, conceptual-floating foundation design has been under development to adapt the environmental issue. It uses the principle of buoyancy to support the design and the principle itself is discovered by the scientist, which architect adapted this principle to the design. Architecture is does not onlyShow MoreRelatedDesigning A New Urban Life Is Influential And Effects On The Society Of The Future1134 Words   |  5 Pagesinfluential and effects films. Science Fiction films are based off of WWI literature after planes and nuclear researchers, which reveal that the universe is not a dream. Forcing society to question if we are alone in the universe and wonder what is going on out there. 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