Friday, August 9, 2019

Did the Progressive reform substantially restrain the power of Essay

Did the Progressive reform substantially restrain the power of American capitalism - Essay Example The writer’s argument can be further improved by noting that the progressive movement was not rooting for the end to capitalism, but to address the issues in the system. The best quote to add in the draft would be, ‘progressive reformers attacked the economic and political system for allowing the flourishing of abuses in the capitalist system.’ This quote captures the essence of the progressive reformers, and adds weight to the author’s arguments and enables the reader to identify that the steps taken by the reformers were in the right direction. As a conclusion, the progressive reformers were not looking to do away with capitalism but to change the non-progressive aspects of American capitalismThe writer of this draft encapsulates the essence of the progressive reformers and the impact they had on American capitalism. The draft opens up with an introduction to the events preceding the rise of the progressive reformers. According to the draft, Americans wer e wary that there would be disruptive conflicts that would arise between forces of industrial capitalism and the militant workers they controlled. Though the reformers came to change and deal with the issues associated with capitalism, they did not entirely succeed in derailing the conflicts between capitalists and the working class. The rough draft writer could improve his/her work by noting this point as it shows that though the reformers achieved some form of success it came at a cost. Violence and conflicts between the working class.

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