Saturday, August 17, 2019

There Is a Conflict Between Science and Religion

There is a conflict between science and religion. To begin with there is the Galileo Controversy. Furthermore there is the issue of the use of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). A third point is about how the universe was created. These three points clearly shows that there is a conflict between science and religion. To begin with there is the Galileo Controversy. Galileo was an Italian astronomer. He was the first man who suggested that the earth is actually the one which revolve around the sun and not the sun revolve around the earth which is what the people from the church believed at that time. When news about his theory was heard by the church they immediately told him to stop spreading his theory to other people because the people from the church interpreted that the bible said that the earth is the centre of the universe and it is in fix position and Galileo`s theory is contradicting with the bible. When he refuse to give up his theory he was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life. Furthermore there is the issue on the use of IVF. Science had found ways in which can help women to get pregnant that is through IVF. I must stress that my religion have no objection in using science to help sick people but using IVF is a different matter. Just the thought of a women getting pregnant by a man`s sperm, who is not her husband, disgust me not to mention it is against my principals, against my beliefs and above all It is against my religion. The reason why they can not get pregnant in the first place is because God did not want them to get pregnant and using IVF in against god`s wishes. Who are we to go and against God wishes? A third point is about how the universe was created. According to science the universe once was just a small space then it quickly expand when a huge explosion happened this is known as the Big Bang and it took 13 billion years for the universe to become what it is now. This is different from what my religion said. According to my religion when God wanted to make the universe he only need to say it and the universe was created instantly. These three points clearly shows that there is a conflict between science and religion. The fact that there is the Galileo Controversy, the fact that the use of IVF which is against God`s wishes and the fact that there is a contradicting explanation about how the universe was created. With this in mind it is clearly to conclude that there is a conflict between science and religion.

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