Thursday, August 29, 2019

Newton's Law Cooling Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Newton's Law Cooling - Lab Report Example ’s law of cooling the change in rate of the object temperature is directly proportional to the ambient temperature and the own temperature difference. Ambient temperature involves that temperature of the environment. The law makes some statement that concerns the instantaneous temperature rate of change. Translating the verbal description into to the differential equation gives a differential equation whose solution is a function which tracks the total temperature record with time. In order to understand the Newton’s law of cooling, an experiment was set to investigate. The room temperature was recorded using a similar thermometer that was used in the experiment. The thermometer was placed the boiling water up to when the reading of the thermometer was about one hundred degrees Celsius. The thermometer was quickly attached to the stand and started counting whenever the temperature reached eighty degrees Celsius. The temperature was read and recorded for the thermometer each and every thirty seconds for duration of five to six minutes. The procedure was repeated to obtain good data set and the average temperature reading recorded on the data sheet. The fan was set to about six to nine inches from the thermometer so that the thermometer bulb is inside the stream of air after the activation of the fan. The thermometer position was observed on the stand for the thermometer to be set on the stand at about the same position as in the previous experiments. The procedure was repeated. The fan was started and set to be low, the procedure was repeated with the fan on. The position of the fan was not changed between the experiments and the thermometer placed on the similar location as per the fans in the experiment. The prior procedure was repeated with the fan on a higher setting. The obtained data was recorded in table 1 and 2 under the result section of this report. According to the obtained results T(t) is the temperature at time t in minutes and T(0)a involves the

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