Monday, August 12, 2019

Influence and role of trade unions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Influence and role of trade unions - Essay Example Many organizations long ago realized that it is more efficient to hire purposeful, responsible, and interested in their job people. Accordingly people, who get a job today, automatically receive all those privileges labour unions for had struggled for. As a matter of fact trade unions cannot find their place in the new system of labour relationship. In the course of time fundamental economic changes had happened in the country. The traditional heavy industry, a stronghold of trade unions, gradually becomes the thing of the past. According to Turner, "if unions can not hold their own and adapt to changing circumstances in the core industrial work force, the traditional bastion of labour strength, it is difficult to imagine that national prospects for unions elsewhere can be promising1". Labour unions also have not been taken in the extremely developing industry of high technologies, and have not been widely accepted in the services sphere. So we can agree with the statement of Robert Baldwin, who claims that one of the factors that contribute to weakling of trade unions is "unskilled labour-displacing nature of new technology, including outsourcing2". Notwithstanding it is wrong to say, that trade unions are doomed. One can hardly find an example of a democratic society, which does not have trade unions in its structure. British trade unions now are trying to take their own place in the new national economy.The role of state in labour market The role of the state in regulation of relations on a labour market increased in the post-war history of the Great Britain. Leading political forces send to the consent that the chronic unemployment in the country in 1930th years, intensity between the labour and the capital, and the general social instability should be eliminated by means of mixed economy and the Welfare state. As a result of such turn in consciousness of British establishment the labour governments and later conservative governments began to pursue a policy of Keynesianism and social-democratic etatism. There has come a new phase in relations between authority and working-class movement when the last one has been recognized, on a par with business, the necessary participant of formation of social and economic policy of the British state. Influence and role of trade unionsTrade unions have turned to one of the most active public organizations rendering great influence on actions of parties in power. Having got such legitimacy in regulation of relations on a labour market, the British working-class movement became an integral part of the post-war device of the state. The ruling class has recognized it as the necessary partner in business of maintenance of social stability. The organized labour has appeared both object, and the subject in mutual relations with the state. As an object it is the inseparable part of a society necessary for the sanction of conflicts arising in it. As a subject it is the defender of interests of working class, which quite often conflicted to aspirations of capitalism.In 1950-1960 years, when the country experienced the economic boom, trade unions have played a visible constructive role in processes of regulation of social development, socialization of citizens of the country, adjustment of manufacture-consumption cycle, and the society's

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