Friday, September 6, 2019

A man to be admired Essay Example for Free

A man to be admired Essay Looking at the holy concept, the fact that Proctors death was part of the reason why it stopped steadily, it seems as Miller depicts him as a 17th century version of Jesus. How Christians believe he died for their sins; Proctor dies for the welfare of those accused and the stop of this fundamental accusations. He did do wrong: he committed a sin. But doesnt religion teach us about the road to redemption? Religious morals even allow sinners into heaven or paradise if in salvation. So therefore Proctor should be admired as he knows he has done wrong and which leads him to becoming a better man.. All throughout the play, there is friction between Proctor and Elizabeth, obviously due to the incident between Proctor and Abigail, but hope is at the horizon because funnily enough, the worst case scenario brings their relationship and marriage to its strongest point. Proctor attempts all that he can to regain her trust and forgiveness; even bribing her with land is attempted. Elizabeth, being supremely virtuous but with a flair of coldness, tries to forgive but the sense of Christian judgment still lays in her mind. Pride, revenge, fear, honesty, puritan ethics, and honesty are some of the themes in The Crucible, but these are the ones that apply to Proctor. Revenge had put Proctor in fear of losing his beloved wife, Elizabeth, by Abigail. Abigail had seen Elizabeth from more than an inconvenience to a threat. Proctor restricted himself from his feelings and even the subject, when spoken to her. This now showed her only vulnerability, her feelings for him, which is ultimately the reason for this havoc. Self-interest. Fear is what drove the hysteria on; the risk of facing the devil had put people in positions of self-interest and paranoia. How can a man of such caliber be down played? He had raised a family, even though he divorced his 1st wife and married Elizabeth, brought them up in religious fashion, tend his land, helped those in need, is respected by the village and does good deeds. To conclude, John Proctors integrity has such a overcoming substance, and the way Miller captures it is just admirable. He faces death, just to keep his name clean, to live or die with respect. For him to go through so many calamities and distress that the only time he feels at peace is when he dies. And he still remains as an admirable figure after hes public confession of being an adulterer. He put his own wife in front of himself, just to receive her forgiveness and trust. He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him! Elizabeth accepts it, the only way; his death is the answer to all their problems. His Christian morals and beliefs lead him to becoming a better man; a man with faith is a man to be admired in my opinion. He knows that even if he confesses a lie, he can not base the remainder of his life on another lie, which will then jeopardize his relationship; other innocent people will die and will evidently never forgive himself. Overall, Proctor is a: religious, emancipated, loving, family, integrity-filled and respected man, and if these are not the quality of being admirable then I do not know what is. John Proctor, a man to be admired. Discuss. By Ranja Faraj Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

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