Saturday, September 7, 2019

Critically discuss the key factors influencing protein requirements in Essay

Critically discuss the key factors influencing protein requirements in adults - Essay Example Together, these form the dynamic system of the body which contains the functional and structural aspects that help in nitrogen exchange to the environment (Joint, W. H. O., 2007). Thus the amount of protein that has to be consumed to meet these conditions of the body is termed as the protein requirement. Protein is the next bigger component of body tissues after water (Subar, et al., 2003). They are large molecules made of amino acids and are bonded together by peptides (Richards & Richmond, 2009). It is therefore important to take in proteins as they are used to maintain body tissue, which is constantly tearing and wearing out. A model on the protein needs is defined in terms of the organism metabolic demand and a demand of the diet that satisfies those needs for example efficiency of utilization (Elango, et al., 2010). The issue of protein intake in older adults is however controversial because some specialists warn that too much of it could cause toxicity while others argue that is important to take moderately high proteins to offset age related low energy intake and to maintain nitrogen balance (Millward, 2001). It is estimated that adults should take 0.75g (Young & Borgonha, 2000) of protein per kilogram of body weight to be on the safe side of nutrition deficiencies. These proteins should have a high digestibility and enough amounts of amino acids (Campbell, et al., 2008). These requirements can be satisfied by eating eggs, milk, fish and meat. Additionally legumes have a high amount of protein (Duranti, 2006). Since aging is associated with different physiologic and metabolic changes, the dietary pro tein requirements might also change. These changes may include decline in physical activity, changes in body composition due to loss of muscles, increased disease frequency in the older adults, decline in food intake, and decline in physical function capacity (Massey, 2003). These changes

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