Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Organisational Analysis (case study) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Organisational Analysis (case study) - Essay Example With the intense competition, the customers’ alternative sources of supply increase along with the threshold level of acceptable quality in terms of product and service. Therefore, product quality, innovation, delivery reliability and shorter lead times have become prerequisites in business world rather than competitive advantages. Thus, the importance of streamlining internal processes and aligning the organisational structure to act as a combined force becomes a key necessity. Agility in organisational process in responding to market demands can only be achieved through organisational structures, which are well-integrated, less bureaucratic and collectively aligned towards achieving the organisational objectives (Thomson & Strickland 2003). The case study analyses the current issues being faced by Rondell Data Corporation, a well established manufacturer of Data Transmission units and electronic Testing Equipments, with regards to its internal business operations, especially pertaining to the interdepartmental conflicts leading to reduced productivity and profitability resulting from mismatch in its organisational design and structure with the required business process. The analysis will take in to account the current status of the operations with the use of contingency models and identify the problem areas being encountered by Rondell. The insight gained from the analysis will aid in explaining the past background and how the company has developed to its current stage as well as what the future may hold if the organisation proceed without interventions. Lastly the analysis will also provide suggestions and recommendations for intervention and creating change at Rondell Rondell Data Corporation which has been incorporated in 1930 has grows steadily over the decades with a dedicated team of employees who are mainly from engineering background. The company

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