Monday, September 2, 2019

Cadbury Fundraiser Report

CADBURY FUNDRAISER REPORT BREAST CANCER CARE WA Maria Paz Gonzalez Guzman 27 August 2012 Contents Introduction1 Information about the chosen charity1 Description of the type of fundraiser and the reason for the choice1 Procedure followed to prepare for the fundraiser1 Advertising2 Sales Report3 Graphic4 Conclusion5 Recommendations for another fundraiser5 Suggestions for improvement5 References5 Advertising poster for fundraiser6 Pictures7 IntroductionThe department of Sales and Marketing of Eat Central Virtual Enterprise held a fundraising event on Monday 20 August 2012 at Central Institute of Technology, Perth Campus, to support the Western Australia based charity â€Å"Breast Cancer Care WA† To raise money for the charity, different varieties of Cadbury chocolates were sold during the activity; Freddo 100s and 1000s frog, Freddo Dairy Milk frog, Freddo Dream White Chocolate frog, Caramello Koala, Freddo Twin Strawberry frog and Freddo Twin Peppermint frog. Information about the chosen charityCancer is one of the most terrible illnesses that a person could suffer and breast cancer is one of those that does not discriminate; it might affect women or men. Thousands of people and their families fight against breast cancer in the world. The statistics about breast cancer state that in 14,610 women will be diagnosed with cancer in 2012, making breast cancer one of the most common cancers affecting women, although it’s important to mention that 103 men were affected by breast cancer in 2007 in Australia.Fortunately most women survive breast cancer. Breast Cancer Care WA provides emotional, practical and financial support and care to people that have been affected by breast cancer in Western Australia. This foundation does not receive any government funding so they depend on the generosity of Western Australians to keep providing help at no cost. Description of the type of fundraiser and the reason for the choice For the Breast Cancer Care WA fundraiser we decided to sell Cadbury chocolates in Central Institute of Technology, Perth Campus.Eat Central Virtual Enterprise has an agreement with Cadbury for purchasing Cadbury fundraising products which have been made to help fundraising events and make the most of your sales. Procedure followed to prepare for the fundraiser The first week every team member competed a ‘To Do’ List, a team meeting was organised by the team leader, every team member suggested a charity of their choice. We attended to another meeting to decide which charity would be choose we agreed to do the fundraiser activity for the Breast Cancer Care WA.It was agreed that Cadbury chocolates would be sold for the fundraising at Central Institute of Technology at the Students Services area. For the activity we decided to dress in purple (the charity’s official colour) and decorate the stand with purple balloons. An email was sent to the Breast Cancer Care WA to let them know that we would like to fun draise for them. They happily accepted our idea and we were offered brochures, balloons and support to set up our stand.Each member designed a poster using the official logo of the foundation and a brief description of the charity, as well as the price list for Cadbury chocolates, only one was sent to the Breast Cancer Care WA for their approval. The amount of money set out to raise during the fundraising was AU$200 after deducting Cadbury money (AU$60) and float money (AU$40). A memo was sent to the manager with all the details of the fundraising for his approval. In the second week, the fundraising event was held (Monday 20 August 2012) from 10:30am to 3:00pm at the Students Services area.At the end of the activity the ‘Sales Summary’ and the ‘Cash Receipt Summary’ were completed by each team member. AU$ 0. 60 per chocolate sold was put in an envelope for payment to Cadbury. The amount of profit made was calculated and the money was placed into a separate envelope. After counting the money and deducting Cadbury costs and float money, we made AU$123. 65 for the Breast Cancer Care WA. The team leader was responsible for checking that the money was accurate before giving it to the Manager.In the third week, the fundraising report was discussed with the Manager and a guideline to write the report was given to every team member. A couple of team meetings were held to talk about the success of the fundraising activity. Advertising To promote the Breast Cancer Care WA fundraising activity we put posters on the Students Board, bookshop and Students Services area at Central Institute of Technology, Perth Campus. We also decorated the stand by putting purple balloons, placing brochures on the table beside the chocolates.Sales Report Graphic | CADBURY FUNDRAISING FOR THE BREAST CANCER CARE OF WA| | | | | Cadbury money| $60| | | Float money| $40| | | Breast Cancer Care of WA money| $123. 65| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Conclusion Althou gh we were expecting to raise AU$200 to donate to the Breast Cancer Care WA, we consider that the fundraiser was a success due to the participation of the Central Institute of Technology community along with Sales and Marketing department of the Eat Central Virtual Enterprise.Working in the Sales and Marketing department gave me very valuable experience about customer service. I had the chance to interact with customers, sell our products and persuade people to buy chocolates. I learned that communicating a clear message is very important, being nice when dealing with different people, different personalities and providing the best service and meeting customers’ needs. Recommendations for another fundraiserSince the fundraising activities can be carried out at The Central Institute of Technology premises and held for only one day, I would recommend arriving to the institute a little bit earlier so as to start the activity as early as it can and make the most of the day. Sugge stions for improvement I would suggest the team members to be more actively involved in the activity, be really committed to the cause and take every Eat Central Virtual Enterprise activity seriously. It would be a good idea to allow more time to develop the fundraising activity, one day is not enough to raise enough money for a registered charity.References The Internet was used to choose the charity and get more information about breast cancer we were given brochures, leaflets and monthly Breast Cancer Care WA magazine issues by the foundation More information about the Breast Cancer Care WA can be found in its official website: www. breastcancer. org. au Another useful online resource is the Breast Cancer Network Australia: www. bcna. org. au Advertising poster for fundraiser Raise a chocolate for the Breast Cancer Care WA Giant Freddo Fundraiser (Milk Chocolate) $1. 20Twin Pack Freddo (Strawberry) $1. 20 TimeOut Bar $1. 20 Caramello Koala $1. 20 Bottled Water $1. 80 Breast Cance r Care WA is a WA charity that provides personalised  emotional, practical and financial support and care to people affected by breast cancer. This includes men with breast cancer, carers and family who have their own challenges and needs through the experience. Receiving no government funding, the Breast Cancer Foundation of WA relies solely on the generosity of Western Australians to continue its vital grass-roots work in the community. Pictures

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