Thursday, September 26, 2019

Personal Statement (one page essay on reasons for choosing medicine)

Personal Statement (one page on reasons for choosing medicine) - Essay Example Perhaps because of my early fascination with frequent traveling with my parents, I have never really put a big effort into my BSc. (I am about 90 credits in.) Saving other people’s lives is something that I would like to do. I feel like I have taken enough from this world and now its time to put a little back in it. There is a pride, I think, in being a doctor, but there is also the challenge to make good. Imagine the beat of life lying in your hands but you would have to think and move to be an instrument to let that beat continue on and live. Imagine that those lives are the very ones to also let other lives beat on. If I were that doctor, how great is the challenge to answer the hopes of families gaping at you for answers. This is the kind of life I would like to go into. There is meaning and there is purpose. All the time my life was suspended on air, I would think of these things. Life are precious it could crumble anytime. But it could also be saved. If given the chance, I would like to join the medical world. At least, I could say I am useful for others after all. I am a voracious reader of all types of books. As such, it will not be strange to me to be meeting requirements in school for much reading and research. I am proficient in English besides. Aside from my concern for mental health, I also go for physical health. I exercise regularly and enjoy all sorts of sports but mainly skiing. Ive been told that Im very personable and easy to get along with. Therefore, if I would be mixing with other cultures in school, I am ready for it. Over in my church community, I meet all sorts of people. I think I am of the gregarious kind and this is no problem. When one becomes a doctor, he doesn’t look into the color of the patient’s skin before he decides to serve. I volunteer at a Union Gospel Mission soup kitchen whenever I get to church as this is my way of mixing with the community. I love the feeling that I can be of use

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