Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Professional Values, Ethics and Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Professional Values, Ethics and Law - Essay Example Values comprise of a set of socially accepted codes of conduct and in medical profession, values are the standards of conduct or professional responsibilities that are informally accepted and passed on as traditions (Beauchamp & Childress, 2001). Alongside advances in the science of medicine, attempts have been made by moral theorists to codify the ethical and moral principles involved. These principles provide guiding framework that help avoid dilemmas in conflicting situations. The two pioneer ethical theories include Teleologic theory or Consequentialism/Utilitarianism and Deontologic or formalist theory. The Utilitarianism theory focuses on the end and judges actions on the basis of greatest good for a larger group of individuals. Deontological ethics introduced by John Stuart Mill, and supported by Immanuel Kant was judged actions on the basis of motive underlying it. Irrespective of the results or individual opinion, duty must be accomplished without any choice. Principles and duty guide actions. In this respect American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of ethics for nurses provides that the nurses’ primary commitment is to the patient, his health, rights and safety. Further the nurse is solely responsible for his practice. The ethical principles guiding nurses enable them to take moral positions in specific situations (Ivanov & Blue, 2008). Beauchamp & Childress have grouped these principles into four categories: respect for autonomy

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